Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools

Quality Assurance in Project Management Information

What’s Quality Assurance in Project Management Information?

Quality Assurance in Project Management InformationQuality Assurance in Project Management Information is a management procedure identified as all the structured, logical actions required to give enough assurance that a commodity, information, service, or outcome meets specific quality standards and is fit for consumption. A program for Quality Assurance is the operations intended at fulfilling the essential standard.

All quality evaluation programs should intend to provide quality assurance management information which is true and sufficient for the objective at hand. This implies that it is necessary to have an apparent image of the specs and variety of the data. In question at the beginning of the project, or in short, there should be “Information-Quality Intent”

Information-quality intent is qualitative and quantitative provisions applied in planning the structure. That will minimize the indecision to a satisfactory degree within the acceptable restriction range. The final users of the information, commonly those who finance the scheme, alongside other specialists involved, place these targets.

Each quality evaluation program should have a decision-making support information database. Which data can be extracted and examined statistically and later help make critical business decisions. A decision-making support information database is characterized by intelligent tools. IT-based data systems that generate summarized information to speed up the decision-making process.

Managing your decision-making support information database

To preserve the decision-making support information database, you are required to frequently monitor every part of the system to see if they comply with the regulations. This includes examining the constituent elements to evaluate if they still satisfy the initial standards. Process must be later recorded and made accessible to the administration and those in charge of the operation. You should promptly rectify disparities from the appropriate standards.

Classifying quality assurance management information

The constituents of QA management information are classified into three layers, namely:

  • Administrative/ strategic level – handles objectives, the quality principle, and administration and is generally created as the Quality guide
  • Practical or tactical level – addresses everyday operations like training and QA processes
  • The operative level – handles Standard Operating Procedures, spreadsheets, and more elements of daily activities.


Quality Assurance in Project Management information is a key player in planning and managing projects. Various quality assurance companies provide QA solutions to users by offering access to their databases. These databases may contain quality-assurance management information that covers decades of years. An example of companies that offer good-standard QA solutions is Whose database contains simplified data for a wide array of projects covering more than 80 years.