Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools

We Provide Answers Fast For Your Success! provides on-line solutions to fix troubled and runaway projects and assure their ongoing success as fast as you can think: 24/7/365.

David A. Miles

Before retiring, Dave Miles was a 30-year Con Edison Company of New York manager who has been a project manager for 45 years and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP #674 -now retired) for 26 years.  During his career, he was responsible for major projects engineering, new business and contractor oversight, construction, consulting, conservation, sales, quality assurance, leak detection and metering.  Mr. Miles has won a coveted Management Incentive Award as a technical program lead person and two team awards for successful projects, where he respectively served as project manager and incident commander…READ MORE

How Does It Work?

We provide people with fee-paid access to our proprietary database which consists of multiple models that contains thousands of data. staff has analyzed and participated in thousands of projects over 80 years, including global projects, in a variety of industries, products and services ranging from the basic to the most complex, costing billions of dollars.

Our clients are busy leaders, managers, consultants and do-it-yourself people who have developed specific questions that need answers and fast solutions. 

Customers then perform targeted searches within the database to explore the activities within the project and obtain and implement solutions.

Using various online payment platforms, clients will be billed for having accessed and used the database.

Our Products


Client-provided questions allow them to de-construct their project and ask penetrating questions. Customers may obtain quick solutions or may require more formal tools. Projectivities database can accommodate both.
