Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


B. Determine what you want to accomplish. Know why you want to improve this situation.
Cover the most critical issues first.

C. Determine what resources will be required to accomplish your intended mission.
     • Equipment
     • Supplies
     • People
     • Budget

D. Determine how you will present the information.
     • Determine who your intended audience will be.
     • Truthfully and constantly communicate with all concerned.
     • Written report?
     • Formal presentation?
     • Oral report?
     • Graphs/tables?
     • Simple is better: always be concise.

V . Develop an action plan.

A. Develop the trigger conditions to launch this plan.
B. Use a structured report format. Use matrix form and determine: Issues/Stakeholders Involved/Possible Resolution(s).
C. Implement plan using a multidisciplinary team approach.
D. Confirm your facts again.
E. Using the results of your project’s triage, prioritize the work. Perform the biggest payoff work first.
F. Develop several courses of action. Refer to Decision Options in Section 6.
G. Spell out the impacts of each course of action as they relate to cost/time/quality/and the customer.
H. Map an action plan to the existing or revised corporate strategy (mission/vision statement, including how to deal with problems that come up during implementation).
I . Prepare recommendations.