Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


Assess the situation.

Receive a brief from the project’s sponsor or from senior management.
Obtain a formal charter/ mandate or authorization – determines the extent of your
responsibilities and authority. Establishes your scope and deadline.

Gather data (with team input and support).

A. Make a site visit.
     • Prepare and distribute an agenda in advance. Solicit input/ concerns/ questions.
     • Meet with the project manager, project team, and support/contractors.
     • Explain your role.
     • Explain the situation as you understand it.
     • Give them time to respond. Expect objections. Have the team develop solutions to any objection they raise.
     • Conduct personal, private interviews with people at all levels (possibly off-site/ away from their normal work area).
     • Review documentation.
     • Review past audits and other relevant documentation such as status reports and the original project and risk plans.
     • Determine the forces that are preventing the organization from successfully completing the project.

II. Analyze data.

A. Use a structured evaluation approach. See the 4 Step Process in Section 2.
B. Determine all possible failure causes from all areas of the project.
C. Determine the most adversely affected areas.
D. Share all data – no surprises or withheld data.
E. Share the diagnosis.

II. Determine a course of action.

A. Meet with:
     • Project champion
     • Senior management
     • Project enemies
     • Project manager
     • Project team
     • Relevant contractors