- Human elements addressed.
- Project manager assigned.
- Type of organization (weak/strong/matrix office) appropriate.
- Outputs and activities well defined.
- Project manager leadership.
- Flexible alternatives.
- Good teamwork/morale/ownership.
- Degree of complexity (software/database concepts/hardware/ ability to easily add functions/ features/teleprocessing, etc).
- Tasks assigned in right order.
- Minimal resource conflicts.
- Effective meetings.
- Estimated times to complete are reasonable.
- Line organization must change to meet project requirements.
- Amount of non-standard material used is minimized.
- Tracking/control system understood by new personnel.
- Customer understands the project requested.
- End results are clear.
- Good project communications.
- Critical success factors known.
- Contingencies are planned for.
- A WBS is prepared.
- A critical path is identified.
- Team identified.
- Schedule-milestones identified.
- Project clearly defined.
- Political support/community support.
- Risk factors identified and planned for.
- Project costs are known.
- Succinct/effective status reports.
- Project has top management support.
- Decisions, actions, assumptions, diagrams, specifications are well documented.