Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


  1. What are the alternatives that have been considered?
  • What decisions are we trying to make?
  • What are you most concerned about first?
  • What is our best option now?
  1. What happens to this project if management:
  • Completely withdraws from it?
  • Abandons it?
  • Does nothing and allows the project to proceed as is?
  • Immediately commits the required/ requested resources for the project’s success?
  1. How could it have been different?
  1. What did you learn?
  1. Would you do it again?
  • Determine: What is the “surface problem,” then analyze to determine the “real   ”
  • Determine if any issues can be simplified.
  1. Can you tell me the project’s current percent complete? Was the project reviewed at the 30%, 60% and 90% completion points? (NOTE:  This depends on the position held by the person being interviewed).
  2. Are there any unforeseen issues that now make it more challenging to deliver the project on time and under budget?

26 – (If applicable) Did anyone report/ flag the system as unsafe?
NOTE 1:   It is recommended that the same questionnaire be used to interview all personnel (both current and former, if possible) levels associated with the project.  Determine if there is any variation in responses between the different personnel ranks (e.g. senior management and project team)
NOTE 2:  Once the interviews are completed, review the data, analyze what’s going on, make appropriate recommendations and decisions, orient the leadership/ team, communicate the plan
NOTE 3:People at all levels will be concerned about confidentiality and our wise/ discretionary use of any information they provide us and how (and if) we use and share it.