Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


      1. Dominating (unstoppable) leader

    –  Charismatic
    –  Credentialed/Self Confident
    –  Penalizes subordinates whose ideas  conflict with leader’s
    – Treats subordinates with contempt

        • Passionate About an IdeaErroneous Assumptions
                  1. May have insufficient data
                  2. May employ risky shortcuts
                  3. Dismisses contrary opinions
                  4. Miscalculates the situation
                  5. No contingencies built in
                  6. High Expectations
                  7. Believe plan is infallible
                  8. Subordinates may not believe  in the plan
        • Afraid to speak up (conformity)
        • May not tell of failure
        • Ends up with the reverse of what  was planned.