75- Do project environmental reviews require special consultation with Indigenous groups? (No = Blue)
- Hoes/villages
- Historic significance/burial grounds
- congestion
- Toxic runoff/emission
76- Will other parts that will intersect with the project be ready when we get there? (No – blue)
77- Does/Will the PM have the proper hardware and software to do the analysis? (No = bad)
78- Does PM ensure that information is valid and reliable, before acting upon it? (Yes = good)
79- Are the project’s promises (Eg. 100% effective/improvement offering more than what the science/evidence can actually/realistically offer?
- Is the proposed technology still a long way from everyday use?
- Can this project’s long term sustainability be realistically estimated?
- Have known technical hurdles/inherent risks been identified?
- Has this technology been successfully used/demonstrated (pilot program) elsewhere? All the details have been determined?
- is SM/PM setting high expectations with few or no details?
80- Have SM/PM identified and applied for the required approval to proceed?
81- Is SM/PM relying exclusively on studies/testing performed by paid consultants who have vested interest in the project proceeding?
- Has there been any attempt to clinically test these theories? (no = blue)
- Does any independent research paper support the feasibility study’s claims? (Yes = blue)
- Have the consultants shared their raw data/findings with PM? (No = blue)
82- Have independent experts determined that any of the following can/has occurred?
- Illegal? (Yes = bad)
- Impractical? (Yes = bad)
- Inhumane? Unethical? ( Yes = bad)
- Expensive? (Yes = bad)
- Ineffective? ( Yes = bad)
- Wasteful? ( Yes = bad)
- Fragile? ( Yes = bad)
- Scarcity? ( Yes = bad)
- Fraudulent? ( Yes = bad)
- Can’t verify where tests were conducted/who the test subjects are/were? What the tests were designed to detect? (Yes = bad)
- Distorting (wide gap between executive or management’s reporting and reality)/ doctoring/ contorting test results? (Yes = bad)
- Test results were used to improve project’s performance? (Yes = good)
83- Will senior management/regulators develop new rules to integrate the new project with a related existing project/users?
- Does this scientific theory succeed in Actual practice? (No = bad)