David A. Miles Bio
Founder of Projectivities.com

Before retiring, Dave Miles was a 30-year Con Edison Company of New York manager who has been a project manager for 45 years and a certified Project Management Professional (PMP #674 -now retired) for 26 years. During his career, he was responsible for major projects engineering, new business and contractor oversight, construction, consulting, conservation, sales, quality assurance, leak detection and metering. Mr. Miles has won a coveted Management Incentive Award as a technical program lead person and two team awards for successful projects, where he respectively served as project manager and incident commander.
Mr. Miles is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy; a retired Marine Corps reserve Lieutenant Colonel who was the Assistant Operational Test Director for the Digital Communications Terminal (today’s personal digital assistant) while working for the Marine Corps Operational Test and Evaluation Activity and was later awarded the Navy Commendation Medal following his service in Operation Desert Storm. He holds a M.S. degree from the University of Southern California in R&D Systems Management. His executive education has included short courses at Harvard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton Business School.
Dave was awarded New York University’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies Outstanding Service Award for developing New York University’s Project Management program. He was an adjunct professor for 18 years, where he taught “Project Management’, “Project Analysis for Managers,” which analyzes troubled projects and “Extreme Project Management” which combines business strategy, innovation and military planning tools. His students were working professionals who hailed from more than 40 countries and 250 corporations. He is the author of “Project Diagnostics and Decision Making” a book he self-publishes.
Mr. Miles attended NASA’s 2005 Project Management Challenge in College Park Maryland as an invited guest. In 2009, NASA selected Dave Miles as a panelist, alongside some of their most experienced project managers, to train and mentor their next generation of project managers. On February 10, 2010, this panel presented and responded to questions regarding “How to Fix Troubled Projects” at NASA’s Seventh Annual Project Management Challenge in Galveston, TX. His message, “if you can’t first find the problem, you can’t fix it”.
Projectivities.com is Dave’s latest venture. He and a team of professionals have developed a rich database, which summarizes the project management lessons learned and techniques covering the last 80 years of global projects. The database also contains information covering thousands of projects that Dave has either participated in or evaluated from various industries, which will enable you to better understand the nuts- and-bolts of your project. This will help users both solve vexing issues and proactively identify project snarl-ups. Our new approach differs from third-party consultants, because we put their tools in your hands in order to save you time and money.