Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


1- Are overhead costs properly applied – and only to straight time?
2- Is scope creep occurring?
3– Is the contractor making timely delivery of deliverables?
4- Do frequent field changes have to be made to accommodate contractor flaws?
5- Does the contractor’s interface work with this project?
6- Does the contractor receive any needed technical support from the project team?
7- Does the contractor experience frequent equipment failures that adversely affects the project?
8- Does the vendor/ contractor know the business?
9 Does the contractor know alternate equipment that can also support the project?
10- Does our firm have a positive oversight history with this contractor?
11- Is the contractor absorbing project costs (possible future problem, if yes)?
12- Does this contractor meet its commitments?
13- Contractor received legal complaints/ violations during this project or similar ones?
14- Contractor has a record of many past violations?
15- Contractor uses this project as a loss leader, hoping for other business from my firm?
16- Pricing is based on written specifications?
17- Contractor pays its subcontractors on time?
18- Contractor can get the required parts?
19- Contractor’s system is easy to maintain?
20- Contractor will support product after delivery?
21- Contractor received specifications before the project began?
22- Contractor reviewed specifications before beginning the project?
23- Contractor is complying with the specifications?
24- Contractor is working its staff on weekends?
25- Contractor is penalized if deliverables are sub-standard?
26- Contractors are paid hourly?
27- Contractors are cooperative with the project team?
28 – Have contractors/vendors who were supposed to be removed from employment on the project still working on it, under other circumstances?
29 – Firm observes daily supervision of vendor’s staff actually performing the work?
30 – Change control process in place and working?
31 – Contractor is allowed to charge firm its costs plus a fixed fee, despite poor performance? (Yes = Bad)
32 – Are contract/ contractor raises built into the project’s contracts? (Yes = blue)
33 – Are/ were qualified project staffers vetting bills that contractors submit?
34 – Did contractor personnel receive PM training and or certification before being assigned to the project?
35 – Complies with project’s procurement rules?
36 – Complies with government mandated procedures/ regulations (where applicable)?
37 – Does PM hold contractors accountable when they do not comply? (e.g. stop/ reduce payments, etc)
38 – Are contractors required to make performance improvements?
39 – Has/ does contractor provided the metrics that they are contractually required to provide?
40 – Is all work performed only after written contracts have been approved? (No = bad)
41 – PM requires/ implements regularly recurring progress reports and meetings to monitor vendors’ performance? (No = bad). Did the meetings occur?
42 – Does PM conduct no-notice/ short notice surprise visits at contractor headquarters and worksites? (No = bad). Is PM/ QA staff denied access to any site? (Yes = bad)
43 – Do personnel understand how to perform basic instructions/ tasks related to the job? (No = bad)
44 – Does contractor operate with broad authority and limited oversight? (Yes = bad)
45 – Does contractor attempt to circumvent procedures by using “off-the-books” workers? (Yes = bad)
46 – If a contractor is terminated for poor performance by any group within the firm, is this information communicated to the entire firm? (No = bad)
47 – Does contractor sub-contract work to subcontractors without proper authorization? (Yes = blue)
48 – Is/ was/ has contractor personnel provided safety training before beginning work? (Yes = good)
49 – Does contractor have prior experience with the technology/ product/ service? (Yes = good)
50 – Were/ are contractor personnel compelled to use unsafe equipment? (Yes = bad)
51 – Does contractor have sufficient personnel needed to do the work, if they win the contract? (Yes = good)
52 – Do all purchases require written bids to be submitted, first? (No = bad)
53 – Are there any recurring issues that PM/ team has repeatedly failed to address? (Yes = bad)
54 – Does purchasing/ PM have the names & addresses of the contractors who bid on the work? (Yes = good)
55 – Did someone review the bids, side by side to verify completeness and accuracy? (No =bad)