Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools

Communications – Information Exchange page 2

86 – Does PM build partnerships with other internal/external agencies to assist her/his project or as they learn more? (Yes = green)

  1. Do situation reports accurately report the reality of the situation inside the project? (Red = bad)
  2. Is information sent to SM/PM controlled/screened/sanitized to mask the project’s actual performance? (Yes = bad)
  3. (When required or applicable) Does SM/PM speak with the appropriate union leadership? (Yes = good)
  4. Does SM/PM encourage the use of informal coffee station/water cooler interactions to encourage internal synergy/information sharing? (Yes = good)

87 – Has SM/PM determined how:

  1. Data will be shared?
  2. Who can access the data?
  3. How the data will be used and how long?

88- Does the information arrive in an unwieldy format? (Yes = bad)

89- Does PM know how information is transcribed from paper noted into the database? (Yes = good)

90- Are recurring daily briefings held to keep everyone informed? (Yes = good)

91- Is relevant information shared between different offices and activities? (Yes = good)

92- Does SM/PM advocate for internal workshops across multiple divisions to enable brainstorming the steps required to ensure the project’s success? (Yes = good)

93- Are project-generated reports created and submitted quickly enough to enable SM to run what-if scenarios? (Yes = green)

94- Are systems deployed to prevent unauthorized downloading of confidential data? (No = bad)

95- Do employees meet with SM/CEO directly or via town hall meetings? (Yes = good)

96- Does SM/PM speak plainly and directly with their team and client? (Yes = good)