Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools

Communications (Corporate Culture Page 2 of 2)

Corporate Culture (Con’t)
85 – Is SM/ PM conducting the project’s business in a transparent manner? (No = bad)
86 – Do any cultural “red lines” ( conduct/ practices that are not to ever be crossed) or “yellow lines” (conduct/ performance which tacitly permits/ encourages selectively ignoring rules)? (Yes = bad)
87 – Do senior/ highly regarded employees exhibit a sense of entitlement that they are ‘privileged’ in some way (e.g., union membership/ civil servants), that others are not? (Yes = blue)
88 – Does SM/ PM respect unions/ civil service rules and collective bargaining rules, relevant to the project? Does SM/ PM communicate with the union bosses? (Yes = good)
89 – Does SM/PM/ team celebrate when big goals/ small learnings are achieved? (Yes = good)
90 – Do safety inspectors know of dangerous conditions/ and still tolerate/ pass/ certify conditions as safe? (Yes = bad)
91 – Do financial incentives outweigh/ trump safety concerns? (Yes = red)
92 – Is the project team comprised of a diverse group of individuals? (No = blue)
93 – Is SM/ PM intentionally lying to everyone about the product’s/ service’s performance? (Yes = bad)
94 – Does PM/ team leaders view themselves/ embrace the idea that they are responsible to manage ‘exceptions’ which might/ could potentially adversely affect the plan? (Yes = good)
95 – Does anyone/ any group associated with the project, exhibit an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ defensive attitude? (Yes = red)
96 – Choosing to work with corrupt/ unsavory people? (Yes = Red)
97 – Do the managers avoid taking action until mishaps occur, possibly resulting in death, injury or property damage? (Yes = bad)
98 – Is reporting of major safety defects intentionally delayed? (Yes = bad)
99 – Does the firm/ project have a formal and effective ethics policy? (Yes = good)
100– Does the firm have an official/ unofficial dress code? Is the dress code flexible? (Yes = blue)
101 – Does senior management/ project manager convey a clear sense of right and wrong? (Yes = good)
102 – Does SM/ PM actively detest QA’s recommendations/ suggestions? (Yes = bad)
103 – Do romantic relationships exist on any level (e.g., executive, mid-level, team, contractors) on this project? (Yes = blue)
104 – Are staff members required to sign non-disclosure agreements? (Yes = blue)
105 – Do significant disconnects exist between the project’s executives and line management/ staff? (Yes = bad)
106 – Does SM have a policy of repeatedly reshuffling obviously incompetent people to other departments rather than getting to the root cause and taking other actions (possibly firing them? (Yes = bad)
107 – Does staff intentionally withhold critical data – which could steer SM/ PM into a less desirable direction? (Yes = bad)
     *Using confusing communication
     *Supplying only some of the information
     *Biasing the information (e.g., performing the analysis after having made the decision)
     *Supplying irrelevant information