Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


❑ Entire audience identified?
❑ Formal meetings held?
❑ Informal meetings held?
❑ Regular meetings held with the project’s sponsor?
❑ Instruction manuals developed?
❑ Reports distributed?
❑ Drawings/specifications prepared?
❑ Drawings/specifications distributed?
❑ Communications management procedures developed?
❑ Correspondence distribution system established?
❑ Press and media relations plan?
❑ Press and media relations plan followed?
❑ Hardware: Was a compatible interlinking network developed and used?
❑ A multidisciplinary (with respect to approaches and specializations) project team approach was used?
❑ Safety incentives developed?
❑ Safety incentives communicated?
❑ Key stakeholders are informed?
❑ Technicians/engineers are kept informed?
❑ A legal/arbitration process has been agreed to?
❑ Management still supports project?
❑ Conflicts resolved quickly and at the lowest level?
❑ Detailed invitation to tender bids was sent to all qualified vendors/contractors?
❑ Deliverables, constraints, and expectations were distributed to all concerned?
❑ Project plans/reports have the same information in a standardized format?
❑ Status reports issued regularly?
❑ Standards exist for: Charters, plans, and status reports?
❑ Technical coordination and integration issues resolved?