Project Risk Assessment and Decision Support Tools


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2. The critical variables are: 3. Time 4. Information (aggregated data) 5. More time allows us to emphasize planning and prevention rather than rescue. 6. Having the proper data allows us to learn when and where problems occur and if resources are being wasted through poor planning and execution. 7. Project success is dependent on …


1. The Project Development Plan describes the project’s milestones and management controls for developing a project. It should give general summary information, describe the risk analysis methodology, define the phases and review points in the project development and give estimated timeframes, costs and staffing levels for the project.

1. Details what the project plans to do, when milestones will happen and how the team will do it. 2. Is a communication tool for the project and for outsiders of the expectations of the project. 3. Is a dynamic document that will be subject to repeated updates as the project progresses and new information …


Better decisions come from integration: 4. Data 5. Work flows 6. Teams Shows everyone the “big picture.” Fosters objectivity, synergy and trust. Allows knowledge to be shared.

THE “DECISIONARIUM”   A place used to display the   project model in its various phases. It could be part laboratory, part theater and part conference room. Allows everyone to look at a “common picture.”  

(These steps follow your initial meetings) Gather information from everywhere. Identify the cultural no-no’s. Meet with team members. Get a profile of your boss. Create an open communications climate. Prepare an agenda. Prepare a list of questions. Prepare an agenda. Distribute it in advance. Formally Informally Distribute at the meeting. Meet with various groups between …


      J. Submit a draft report to key people with an agenda: • Request review and comments • Make appropriate changes       K. Submit a formal report.       L. Be prepared to make a formal presentation. VI. Follow-up and evaluate.      A. Monitor results.      B. Ensure compliance with recommendations.      C. Eliminate adverse practices.      D. Continue to …

THE RESCUE PROCESS (Part 3 of 3) Read More »

B. Determine what you want to accomplish. Know why you want to improve this situation. Cover the most critical issues first. C. Determine what resources will be required to accomplish your intended mission.      • Equipment      • Supplies      • People      • Budget D. Determine how you will present the information.      • Determine who your intended audience …

THE RESCUE PROCESS (Part 2 of 3) Read More »

Assess the situation. Receive a brief from the project’s sponsor or from senior management. Obtain a formal charter/ mandate or authorization – determines the extent of your responsibilities and authority. Establishes your scope and deadline. Gather data (with team input and support). A. Make a site visit.      • Prepare and distribute an agenda in advance. …

THE RESCUE PROCESS (Part 1 of 3) Read More »

1. Slow decision making. 2. Contractor/sub incompetence/inexperience. 3. Inexperienced senior management, project manager, team, technicians. 4. Inappropriate/ unconventional project design. 5. Inappropriate use of technology. 6. Weak project management/leader. Poor performers were not replaced. 7. Wrong people on project team (e.g. all headquarters and no field people on team). 8. Corporate goals/objectives/business case not understood/not …