Every engineer desires to see their projects through successfully with zero or minimal drawbacks. A successful project means quality & durable results acquired through a time and cost-effective plan. In this article, we will discuss 5 tips to increase your project productivity and efficiency as an engineer. These engineering project management hacks will help project managers effectively track key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate each stage of the project continuously. More so, these tips will nurture a productive team to execute the project expeditiously.
With that, let’s hop in!1. Take Control of Your Project
Prior to kickoff, ensure all your project control boxes are checked. This includes providing an execution plan to be followed and constant monitoring in every stage of the project. Some of the boxes to check include: Ensure you have a reliable Decision Support System (DSS) — Decision Making Support Information Database Align the project with the firm’s goals & objectives A Work-breakdown Structure (WBS) A standby risk management plan Budgets and Forecasting Project Monitoring System Key Performances Indicators (KPIs) Analysis, Feedback, and Report Compilation Systems
2. Set SMART Project Goals
Before your project is onset, project managers should ensure that the project’s goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. They should also let their teams in on the project’s objectives and goals to clarify what’s expected of them, the desired project results, and the limitations they might encounter. This way, everyone will be adequately prepared. To avoid setting yourself up for disappointments, manage your expectations and ensure the project’s goals are SMART.
3. Do Your Due Diligence
It goes without saying that before you commence the project, a project manager should dot the i’s and cross the t’s’. This includes ensuring that your team members have or acquire all necessary training, you’ve conducted deep research on the project, and you have an implementation plan ready to go. Also, it’s essential to acquire the necessary permit from respective authorities before commencing the project. This will ensure that you don’t end up on the wrong side of the law.
4. Set Regular Realistic and Measurable Deadline
You need to be up to speed on your project’s progress to update your client accordingly. Therefore, you need to set regular interval deadlines for your team to see if you’re still on track and if you’re on schedule. Deadlines help you evaluate project progress, team performance, and matters arising. You’ll also have a chance to identify and eliminate window-stage risks before they escalate to full-blown. This saves you time and money in the long run.
5. Have an Insurance Plan
Contingency and backup plans might seem pessimistic, but they are realistic in any engineering project. Only naïve project managers would expect a perfect and seamless process without shortcomings. A competent engineering project manager expects the unexpected and has risk management and contingency plans standby lest complication occurs or the original plan fails.
Parting Shot!
If you’re looking to execute your engineering projects expeditiously, you need reliable project management resources offered by professionals. Luckily, Projectivities is here to help engineering firms build upon their project management competency. From around-the-clock secure project backups to project risk assessment and mitigation solutions, we’re your god-send on-demand project assistant. Call us any time at (877) 710-7926 for immediate assistance!